
As we age, getting around can become more and more difficult. Whether due to difficulty walking or chronic pain caused by medical conditions, simple tasks like leaving the house to run errands can be tiresome and potentially dangerous. This is where mobility aids like scooters come into play, offering a helpful solution for those needing assistance while on the go. But with all the benefits that come with a mobility scooter, one question remains - how do you pay for it? Is Medicare helping to cover the costs in Australia? In this blog post, we delve into the world of mobility scooters and Medicare, exploring all the ins and outs of getting the help you need when it comes to financing your scooter. 

What Is a Mobility Scooter, and What Are the Benefits of Owning One

Mobility scooters offer a great solution for those with limited mobility to move around town independently. Whether you have a permanent disability or need help recovering from an injury - a mobility scooter is an excellent investment.

What Is a Mobility Scooter? 

Mobility scooters are battery-powered vehicles designed to help people with mobility issues travel from one place to another independently. They can be used outdoors and indoors, and are designed with more stability and comfort features (wider seat, upright seating position, and additional storage space) than a traditional electric scooter. Generally, they come in three or four-wheeled models, which have different advantages depending on your needs. The three-wheeled model tends to be more maneuverable and lighter, whereas the four-wheeled model is sturdier and offers more support for riders who need it.

Benefits of Owning a Mobility Scooter

Owning a mobility scooter offers several benefits for those with limited mobility. First and foremost, it allows them to regain their independence by enabling them to go wherever they want without having to rely on anyone else. They are also a safe, comfortable, convenient, and cost-effective means of transportation that improves social interaction.

Safety Features of Modern Scooters

Modern mobility scooters offer a significant safety advantage over their traditional counterparts with improved design and innovative features. From headlights and tail lights to ensure riders stay visible on their travels, to anti-tip features to prevent the vehicle from tipping over in case of obstacles, modern mobility scooters are designed with the rider’s safety and comfort in mind. These added features offer peace of mind and make the scooter more accessible to a broader range of users - including those who may feel anxious or unsteady while riding.

Top Brands of Mobility Scooters

Among the top-selling mobility scooter brands on the market today are:

  • Shoprider SEKA Mobility Scooter - This scooter works to provide a smooth, reliable ride for its users. It has a maximum speed of 4 mph and can travel up to 15 miles on one full battery charge.

  • Shoprider Rocky 8 Scooter - Rocky scooter is a popular choice among those looking for a powerful and reliable mobility scooter. With its 8-inch tires, this scooter offers smooth handling and has a top speed of 4 mph.

  • Invacare Pronto M51 - This is an ideal choice for those who need extra support. With its adjustable suspension, anti-tip feature, and up to 4.5 mph speed, this scooter is perfect for users who need extra help.

  • Shoprider Rainrider Scooter - A powerful scooter that provides smooth, reliable rides. With a maximum speed of 5 mph, this scooter offers a boost and can travel up to 20 miles on one full battery charge.

  • Top Gun Mustang Mobility Scooter - Top gun mustang is an excellent choice for those who want a luxurious ride. It features an adjustable seat, headlights, and spare battery storage if you need to travel further than the 20-mile range the scooter covers on one charge.

  • Top Gun Avenger Mobility Scooter - A highly functional and efficient mobility scooter designed to handle rough terrain. It has a top speed of 6 mph, adjustable 

seat, armrests, and up to 22-mile range on one full battery charge.

No matter your needs, there's a mobility scooter that will fit you perfectly. From running daily errands to travelling longer distances, a mobility scooter is invaluable for those with limited mobility. You can find the perfect scooter for your lifestyle by researching different models and their features.

How Do You Know if You’re Eligible for Medicare Assistance When Purchasing a Mobility Scooter?

If you’re living in Australia and are looking for financial assistance to purchase a mobility scooter, you may be eligible for Medicare benefits. Let’s take a closer look at what it takes to qualify for this assistance and how you can apply. 

Who Is Eligible for Medicare Assistance

To be eligible for Medicare assistance, you must meet certain criteria. To begin, you must have a valid Australian Medicare card. You must also meet the requirements of the Department of Health’s medical equipment and appliances guidelines. These guidelines state that you have an impairment or disability that restricts your ability to move independently. This impairment or disability must be ongoing and long-term (lasting more than six months) to be eligible.

How Do You Apply for Medicare Assistance to Buy a Scooter in Australia?

If you believe that you meet all of these criteria, then the next step is to make an appointment with your doctor or health care professional who can assess your eligibility and provide written documentation confirming your need for a mobility scooter.

This document will then need to be submitted along with an application form which can be found on the Department of Health website or obtained from any office of Medicare Australia. Once both documents have been submitted and accepted, Medicare will cover part (or all) of the cost of your mobility scooter up to a maximum amount set by the government each year. 

What Else Should I Know While Applying?

It is important to note that there are some additional restrictions regarding eligibility for this assistance program. For example, if you already own a mobility scooter or other medical device - such as an electric wheelchair - you are not eligible for assistance in purchasing another unless there are significant changes in your condition or your existing device has been destroyed/stolen. Using your mobility scooter overseas will also disqualify you from receiving additional funding under this program. 

What Paperwork Is Required?

If you require a mobility scooter to assist with your mobility needs, you may be able to get a subsidy from Medicare. However, it can be a complicated process. To help, we’re going to break down all the necessary paperwork for you. The following is a list of documents you’ll need in order to receive funding from Medicare to pay for your mobility scooter in Australia. 

  • Proof of eligibility
  • To receive Medicare benefits, you must first meet certain criteria and prove that you have an ongoing medical condition or disability affecting your capacity to move safely and independently. You will need a written recommendation from the doctor confirming this in order to move forward in the application process. 

  • Submit a completed application form
  • Once you have proof of eligibility, submit your application form on the Department of Human Services website. This will include information about yourself, such as your name, address, and Medicare card number, as well as details about the type of mobility scooter you would like and its proposed usage. Ensure all information provided is accurate to prevent processing delays. 


  • Certificate of entitlement 
  • After submitting your application form, it will be reviewed by the Department of Human Services, which will then determine whether or not they can provide subsidies towards the cost of purchasing a new or second-hand mobility scooter. If approved, they will send out a Certificate of Entitlement detailing how much money they will contribute towards its purchase price. This certificate should be displayed when shopping for a suitable model so that Medicare’s contribution can be deducted from the total cost at the time of purchase. 

    How Much of the Cost of Your Mobility Scooter Will Medicare Cover?

    For those with limited mobility, a mobility scooter can make a world of difference. However, this type of equipment can be expensive, leaving those who need help with their mobility dependent on alternative avenues for financial aid. 

    Medicare will generally cover up to 75% of the costs associated with using and purchasing certain medical aids and appliances, such as wheelchairs, walking frames, and other items that assist with daily living activities. This includes mobility scooters, which fall into the “assistive technology” category. However, there are some restrictions on what type of scooters are eligible for coverage under Medicare. 

    The most important thing to consider is that there must be a valid medical reason for needing a mobility scooter. You must have an approved medical condition from your doctor to qualify for coverage under Medicare. Additionally, you must purchase your mobility scooter from an approved provider that meets all relevant safety standards before Medicare approves any coverage towards the purchase price. 


    Used vs New Mobility Scooters?

    If you’re considering purchasing a used mobility scooter rather than a new one, there are options available through Medicare that may help cover some (or all) of the costs associated with its purchase. Medicare will even provide coverage towards the cost of servicing or repairing any used equipment, and advice on how best to maintain your scooter over time. The best way to find out more information is to speak directly with your provider, who can tell you more about what is covered and what isn’t under their particular scheme.

    Alternative possible funding sources include charities and community grants, which may help offset some (or all) of the costs associated with purchasing and maintaining your new or used mobility scooter. 

    Help With the Application Process

    With the rise of electric scooters on the road, many Australians are considering taking advantage of this new form of transportation. However, certain precautions must be taken before you can legally ride a scooter in Australia. Fortunately, if you need assistance with your scooter application process, there are people and resources available to guide you through it. 

    The first step is ensuring you have all the required documentation for your application. This includes proof of identity (driver’s license or passport), proof of residence, and any other documents needed to verify your eligibility for the scooter permit. It may also be necessary for you to submit photographs and other forms of identification when applying.


    Once all the paperwork has been taken care of, you must pass an online test. This test covers basic vehicle safety knowledge and regulations related to riding in Australia. If you need help preparing for the exam or any other aspect of the application process, experienced professionals can assist. For example, some states have dedicated “scooter advisors” who can answer questions about regulations and safety requirements specific to their area. These advisors can even review your application before submission and offer advice on your next steps for success. There are also online forums where others share their personal experiences going through the process—which is invaluable if you’re feeling overwhelmed by it all.

    Mobility Scooters and Daily Living

    Understanding available assistance is key to making the best decision for your mobility needs. Before making a purchase, being informed about what components of your mobility scooter Medicare covers is crucial. While the Australian government provides financial assistance for certain types of short-term scooters and accessories, strict eligibility criteria must be met. Before making a decision, it’s important that you consult with your doctor and other healthcare professionals who can advise you on the next best steps for your lifestyle and needs while also taking into consideration any financial assistance available. If you are living in Perth, you can also rely on the help of mobility scooter suppliers, like the experts at Daily Living - who stock the widest range of mobility scooters in the city and offer maintenance and repair services. At Daily Living Products, we pride ourselves on our extensive knowledge and expertise in the mobility scooter industry. We offer only the most trusted and reputable brands ensuring that our customers receive the best quality products, which provides peace of mind and assurance that their purchase is reliable and financially responsible. 

    By Ruby Lou May


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