Are Mobility Scooters Allowed on Public Transport in Australia? - Daily Living Products website

Mobility scooters have become a popular and essential mode of transportation for individuals with mobility impairments in Australia. However, many scooter users often face challenges when trying to travel on public transport. One common question that arises is whether mobility scooters are allowed on public transport in Australia. The answer is not straightforward as it depends on several factors such as the type of public transport, the size and weight of the scooter, and the policies of the transport provider. In this article, we will explore the regulations and guidelines for using mobility scooters on public transport in Australia.

5 Top Mobility Scooters in Australia and Their Advantages

Here are some of the top mobility scooters that you can buy online in Australia.

  1. Shoprider SEKA Mobility Scooter: The Shoprider SEKA Mobility Scooter is a compact and versatile scooter designed for indoor and outdoor use. It has a weight capacity of 250 lbs and a top speed of 4 mph. Features include a swivel seat, adjustable armrests, and a front basket. The SEKA also features a delta tiller for easy control and manoeuvrability.

  1. Top Gun Mustang Mobility Scooter: The Top Gun Mustang Mobility Scooter is a heavy-duty scooter designed for outdoor use. It has a weight capacity of 400 lbs and a top speed of 7 mph. Features include a full suspension system, a high-back captain's seat, and a front and rear light package. The Mustang also features a delta tiller and a front basket.

  1. Top Gun Tranzforma Powerchair Mobility Scooter: The Top Gun Tranzforma Powerchair Mobility Scooter is a versatile powerchair that can be used indoors or outdoors. It has a weight capacity of 300 lbs and a top speed of 5 mph. Features include a captain's seat, adjustable armrests, and a front basket. The Tranzforma also features a joystick controller and can be disassembled for easy transport.

  1. Shoprider Allrounder Scooter: The Shoprider Allrounder Scooter is a mid-size scooter designed for indoor and outdoor use. It has a weight capacity of 300 lbs and a top speed of 5 mph. Features include a full suspension system, a swivel seat, and adjustable armrests. The Allrounder also features a delta tiller and a front and rear light package.

  1. Pride Sport Rider Mobility Scooter: The Pride Sport Rider Mobility Scooter is a high-performance scooter designed for outdoor use. It has a weight capacity of 400 lbs and a top speed of 9 mph. Features include a full suspension system, a high-back captain's seat, and a front and rear light package. The Sport Rider also features a delta tiller, an adjustable headrest, and a front basket.

The Guidelines For Using Mobility Scooters on Public Transport in Australia

Here are some of the regulations and guidelines for using mobility scooters on public transport in Australia.

1.Types of Public Transport

The type of public transport plays a significant role in determining whether mobility scooters are allowed onboard. In general, mobility scooters are permitted on trains, buses, and ferries in Australia. However, there are certain conditions and restrictions that need to be considered.


Mobility scooters are generally permitted on trains in Australia, although it may vary from state to state. In most cases, the scooter must be able to fit in the designated wheelchair space on the train. Additionally, the scooter must not exceed the maximum weight and size limit set by the transport provider. It is important to note that some trains may not have wheelchair access or designated spaces, and in such cases, mobility scooters may not be allowed onboard.


In general, mobility scooters are permitted on buses in Australia, although the rules and restrictions may vary depending on the state or territory. Some buses may have designated wheelchair spaces or areas where the scooter can be secured, while others may require the scooter to be folded up and stored in the luggage compartment. It is essential to check with the transport provider beforehand to ensure that the mobility scooter can be accommodated.


Mobility scooters are generally allowed on ferries in Australia, although there may be restrictions on the size and weight of the scooter. In some cases, the scooter may need to be folded up and stored in a designated area on the ferry. It is recommended to check with the ferry operator beforehand to ensure that the mobility scooter can be accommodated.

2.Size and Weight Restrictions

One of the most critical factors that determine whether mobility scooters are allowed on public transport is the size and weight of the scooter. Different transport providers may have different maximum weight and size limits for mobility scooters. In general, the maximum weight limit for mobility scooters is around 300 kg, and the maximum width limit is around 800 mm. It is essential to check with the transport provider beforehand to ensure that the scooter meets the weight and size restrictions.

3.Policies of the Transport Provider

The policies of the transport provider are also crucial in determining whether mobility scooters are allowed on public transport. Different transport providers may have different rules and regulations regarding the use of mobility scooters. Some providers may require the scooter to be folded up and stored in a designated area, while others may allow the scooter to be secured in a wheelchair space or another designated area.

In some cases, the transport provider may require the scooter user to undergo training or assessment before being allowed to use the scooter on public transport. It is recommended to check with the transport provider beforehand to understand their policies and guidelines.

Safety Precautions When Using Mobility Scooters In Australia

Here are some safety precautions that individuals should keep in mind when using mobility scooters in Australia.

1. Check local regulations and laws

Each state in Australia has its own regulations and laws regarding the use of mobility scooters. It is important to familiarise oneself with these laws to avoid any legal trouble or safety hazards. Generally, mobility scooters are classified as motorised vehicles and require registration and insurance. Some states also require a driver’s licence to operate a mobility scooter on public roads.

2. Wear appropriate safety gear

Just like any other motorized vehicle, wearing appropriate safety gear can greatly reduce the risk of injury in the event of an accident. This includes a helmet, gloves, and closed-toe shoes. It is also recommended to wear bright and reflective clothing to increase visibility on the road.

3. Inspect the mobility scooter before use

Before using the mobility scooter, it is important to inspect it for any damages or malfunctions. Check the brakes, tires, lights, and steering to ensure that everything is in proper working condition. If any issues are found, it is important to address them before using the mobility scooter.

4. Use designated paths and roads

Mobility scooters should be used on designated paths and roads when possible. This includes footpaths, bike paths, and low-speed roads. It is important to avoid using mobility scooters on highways or high-speed roads as they are not designed for these types of environments.

5. Follow traffic rules

Mobility scooter users should follow the same traffic rules as other motorised vehicles. This includes obeying traffic signals, staying in designated lanes, and using hand signals when turning. It is also important to maintain a safe distance from other vehicles on the road.

6. Avoid distractions

Distractions can greatly increase the risk of accidents when operating a mobility scooter. It is important to avoid using electronic devices or engaging in other distracting activities while using the mobility scooter. This includes texting, talking on the phone, or listening to loud music.

7. Be aware of surroundings

Mobility scooter users should always be aware of their surroundings to avoid collisions or accidents. This includes keeping an eye out for pedestrians, other vehicles, and obstacles on the road. It is also important to be aware of weather conditions and adjust driving accordingly.


Mobility scooters have provided greater independence and accessibility for individuals with mobility impairments in Australia. While mobility scooters are generally permitted on trains, buses, and ferries in Australia, there are several factors that need to be considered, such as the type of public transport, the size and weight of the scooter, and the policies of the transport provider. It is essential to check with the transport provider beforehand to understand their policies and guidelines regarding the use of mobility scooters on public transport. By understanding the rules and restrictions, mobility scooter users can make informed decisions regarding where they can use their mobility scooters.

By Ruby Lou May


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